Monday, September 8, 2008

Out of the gate

So what exactly am I doing here? Getting my mind out of my skull, sans drugs ^_^

28 living in Orange County, CA. Live alone, INFP if you know what that means. Introvert with a IT Helpdesk job (Introvert in customer service??? How the hell did that happen again? ^_^)

So why am I going out on a limb with a blog? Well, I really ain't.
  • I've had a Livejournal since 2003. But that has been a little more private than this (in fact, I dare you to find it :P). 
  • I have had a Myspace since only June. But blogging on this is like getting all 4 wisdom teeth out at once (which, from personally having that done 8 years ago, I can tell you hurts like hell). 
So I come here, looking for a better place where I can write out... well, whatever hits my brain. For those on FireFox, I suggest getting the Deepest Sender Addon since you can place it as a button for the sidebar. Great for keeping work pages open while posting (which I find I am increasingly doing, sadly)

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