Wednesday, November 19, 2008

You lose some, you win some: Ted Stevens defeated in U.S. Senate re-election

So in saving face by keeping Lieberman (I keep hearing this "Team of Rivals" shtick and bit my lip not wanting to scream. More on that in another post) they Dem do have something on thier side that keeps me for completly hating them. Or rather, they don't have Ted "Serires of Tubes" Stevens to bother with since he has officially lost his Senate bid to rival democrat Mark Begich. And by lost I mean was eeked out by 3700 or so votes. 

So not only does Stevens have to face the 7 felony counts he's been convicted of, he now goes out on a sour note as having lost a seat he's held since 1968 (he is the longest GOP, and 4th longest of any party in the Senate) and be up for possible jail time. Some people *sigh* no breaks for them :P

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