Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I hate my head

So, Halloween. It's my birthday (no, really, 10-31-79 :P I'll be 31 this year), and it's a fun day to dress up.

However, finding a costume for me is always a hard thing. I've generally become good at being able to use other resources (non-costume shop ones) to fill out a particular costume. But there's one area that has always bugged me.... Hats.

So this is me last year at The Penguin (Halloween), and earlir this year at Zorro. Notice anything about the hats? Yeah, they're about 2 sizes too small. And this is the problem. This noggin is too big.

Big Head... holds my large, intelligent brain
 I have a hat size of 8. For those that might not know how that is calculated its the diameter of my head in inches. An easier way to measure this, other than to stab a ruler through my skull (some people may be tempted to do this to me XD) is to measure the circumference. Which is 25" just so you know.

This makes hat shopping next to impossible for me. Why? Most hats you see in stores are about 7-5/8 at the largest. L/XL sized hats are about the same size as that. Even ones (and this has been researched heavily) that lists itself as 2XL are still about 1/3 of an inch too small (circumference-wise).

And I really wanted a fedora. I'm doing the Green Hornet this year, but I'll be damned if I can find an actual fedora for the costume. I've had to settle for a cheap, too small costume knock off. The kicker though, through my research this year, came in an email from an online retailer after I had asked them if they carried larger sizes.

Thank you for your inquiry.
Your hat size is not a standard hat size, but we do our best to stock as many big head hats as we can find.
Geeze that makes me feel SOOOOO much better about my huge head. *sigh* And yes that retailer did have size 8s. But nothing below about $120, well outside a range I'm able to pay. :(

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