Friday, July 8, 2011

17 years, One Square Mile

So, today I finally managed to snag an invite to the New Super Awesome Invite Only Beta Doohicky Google+. It's their answer to Facebook. (Sidenote, email me if you want an invite ~_^).

Anyways, one of the items in your profile is "Where I have Lived"... you just need to add cities, not full addresses. The obvious two I put down were Anaheim Hills and Costa Mesa. That latter, where I am currently, I have lived in for 17 years now. This made me wonder about certain things. I talked about being in a rut in many of my posts to this blog. I know I've lived in CM for a while, and near the same area. What I really wanted to know was how far away each one was from the others.

So, 10 minutes later in Google Maps produced this:

The black box is exactly 1 square mile. I pondered this for a moment: Not only have I been stuck in a rut in my life, I've really not wanted to move from here in that same time.

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