Friday, October 3, 2008

Craigslist used for decoy in robbery

This HAS to be the most amazing usage of Craigslist I have ever heard of. 

So a robber sent a job opening request for a roadside work project in Monroe, WA for $28.50/hr (hell I would have taken something like this up for that kind of money). Those that inquired were asked to show up at a Band of America, wearing "yellow vest, safety goggles, a respirator mask… and, if possible, a blue shirt." He manages to get 12 or so to sign up for this.

Robber shows up in same attire, pepper-sprays the armored car driver, and nabs a sack of cash. As if that wasn't enough hilarity, the man has escaped... by riding down a nearby creak in a fucking inner tube that had been placed at the ready.

I know I shouldn't condone robbery but... bravo motherfucker, bravo. Can I have some of whatever you smoked when you came up with this? Thanks ^_^

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