Friday, January 9, 2009

Blagojevich: The Ballsey Gambler

I want you to take a good look at this mug. This is a face of a fucking gambler. A ballsy one at that. So he, in secret, starts trying to sell Obama's senate seat. He gets caught, but still has it within his power to appoint someone to fill the seat. So what does he do?

Yeah, he seats Roland Burris. Wait what? He actually puts in someone who is well qualified for the positing, even when EVERYONE said they would block anything his tossed at them. Well... welcome to the backdown. Yeah, qualified and black (on don't tell me you didn't notices, with the other 99 senators being white) wins even if you are a douchebag. A very ballsy gambler of a douche, but vinegar and water containing nonetheless.

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