Monday, August 13, 2012

The Monday Post: Nearly Final

So I am a bit busy with my finals for this semester. It donned on me, however, that this is the end of my first year of schooling. Almost a year ago I took a chance. I realized, during the lead up to my move, that I'd been stuck in a holding pattern. I had no significant other (despite trying), no family even from that, and nothing... NOTHING holding me back. And nothing holds me back now except getting through my schooling. I literally have no idea where I will go after I graduate. I have another year or so to go on that, and I have a wide berth of options. Shit, I have a published game, my name in the credits, and I'm only my 3rd semester in.

It's not quite a year yet, however. I left August 29th, 2011. So expect a kind of retrospective in 2 weeks or so around that date.

For now, be seeing you!.

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