So, you may remember many moons ago I was kind of sort of making this a political blog, or at very minimum many of my earlier posts were about politics. Including this one about Rob Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois. Yeah, that one was a long time go.
It's not that I've dropped politics, I just don't blog nearly as much on the subject anymore. I have been following things, so it comes as no surprise (to everyone except the man in question) that Blago just got convicted. Really, that's all I have to say about it: This damn thing was so obvious from the beginning I'm surprised it's front page news right now!
Also sorry about my lack of posts. Given I'm a mere 2 months away from moving out of my home state, finishing my last class here, and wrapping things up at work... yeah, I've got a lot of time on my hands, right ~_^