Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm here, and it feels weird so far

I'm still a bit exhausted from all of this. Excited and tired, like a little kid on Christmas Eve as they fall asleep at 11:55 pm waiting for Santa. I have been running on Adrenaline and Caffeine for the past 2 days. Even now, after 12 hours of sleep I am still feeling exhausted.

I was up until 1 am cleaning my old apartment on Monday. I had used the previous Saturday with my classmate Tom and a UHAUL to move what large items I was keeping to my storage shed. The time since that night to early Monday morning was a blur.

I shall call it "My Great Purge", as I pretty sure the garbage men are pissed off with me. Assuming they came and picked it up yesterday. If they did the west side garbage bin was full. Also the garbage chute was backed up to the 2nd Floor! Sorry Mr. Garbage Man. Bring a shovel.

So even though I slept nearly 12 hours I may go back until lunch today. Which, of course, means I've become a college student overnight XD.

[Edit] oh and I had Hot Pockets for breakfast, so doubly so. Having those reminded me of this, enjoy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Regarding Legalities: GameStop, Deus Ex, and OnLive

So unless you've been under a rather large rock for the past few days you'll notice in the gaming world a bit of a kerfuffle right now: SquareEnix released the retail version of Deux Ex: Human Revolution with a $50 coupon for OnLive, and digital games distribution network. GameStop.Was.Pissed. They took the time to open each box and remove the coupon, and are now fully removing the retail version until further notice.

Since I'm stuck daydreaming at work (Tomorrow is the last day :O ) I thought I would chime in on this. I've read enough up on it to form some (not all) solid opinions on what is going on:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Change Feels Weird

So, if you look at my countdown clock I'm nary 1 week away from my move in to Arizona. It feels... strange. Weird, exciting, scary, wonderful, awesome all rolled up into one emotion. Swirling in my head day and night now.

I'm sitting here, right now at work ( :O I'm surfing, I'M SURFING HAHAHAH), composing and email to users/coworkers/friends about my last day being next Friday with the company. It's bittersweet and I thought to immortalize it here, just for kicks ^_^ Take care all, I have a party tomorrow as a going-away thing and I'll be taking pictures.

Hello Everyone,
Throughout the past year I have re-examined my current standing in life. To pull a movie quote out here it was “measured, weighed, and found wanting”. Putting it more bluntly I was dissatisfied with where I was and decided that I had the power to change this. Thus I put into motion a plan to better myself via grand changes in my life.
That leads me to the purpose of this announcement: 8/26/11 will be my last day at <REDACTED>. Over the past 10 years I have had the pleasure of seeing this company grow robustly and astonishingly. However my future plans will not allow me to work in my current position, therefore I made the difficult decision to move on. For the curious I will be moving on in my life in leaps and bounds: I was accepted to The University of Advancing Technology, located in Tempe, Arizona, and will be pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on Video Game Programming. UAT is a fine institution and I hope to have many doors opened before me when I graduate.
It has been a pleasure to have worked with and for you in this past decade of my life. Wish me luck and longevity in this new adventure in my life.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Countdown Has Begun!

Take a look to your right up. You'll notice something. I picked out a nice flash flip-clock to countdown my time until move-in at UAT. I got my housing info just last night. I'm so EXCITED!

And worried, and scared, and a mix of emotions I haven't felt... ever. It's weird for this old fox* to feel like this. I'm pulling myself up by my own bootstraps to move to another state, leaving behind all that I've known in my life. Though I didn't move here until I was 13, Costa Mesa IS my hometown. I'm going to miss the town I use to call "Coastal Misery" but now realize I was the one miserable.

*it would take too long to explain the choice of animals here

[Edit] Almost forgot to add in this weirdness. So a long time coworker of mine, Renee, pointed out for me that my handing of my resignation to work yesterday, August 1st, was exactly 10 years to the day I started working for my company. I didn't plan it that way, but find it fitting.