Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A week into school....

So far, as I've only gone through my first day of classes, I really don't have much to report. I swapped some classes last night so I could take C# programming (rather than C++ II) as I needed that for the beginning core of my classes. This means I now do a Mon-Thu for all my classes. Here's basically my schedule, and an explanation after:

  • BIO: Biology
  • CSC: Computer Science, here it's C# I
  • PRO: Professional Studies, this one is the basic course EVERY MAJOR has to take
  • COM: Communications, here it's Public Speaking
  • GAM: Game related. This one is Intro into Game Design. My major takes it so we know what the designers what us programmers to do.
So, it's a light load this first semester. The juggling too place because C# too place at the same time as my original PRO102. So swapped that with one my roommate is taking, punched in C# and BAM!