Thursday, February 24, 2011

Many things falling

So it's been a bit since I last posted and I apologize. Next to work AND school right now I haven't had a lot of free time to blog. But what I've been doing makes such an interesting post so here it goes:

This is what my life feels like right now

I'm not kidding. I've got so many lines of force (as I call them) going through and around me that it's hard to keep up.

  • I've got English and C++ classes. The latter really hasn't kicked my ass yet but I still wait for it to do so. Surprisingly I am a great writer but can do better so English is still kicking my ass as usual.
  • Speaking of English the professor has, in her infinite wisdom, forced the whole class to sign up for a tutoring class. We have to go there a minimum of 5 hours by end of semester. I can really only go on Saturdays. This part is going to suck worse than any assignment.
  • I've waiting long enough and finally, as of Saturday, applied to Digipen and UAT. Feels good.
  • What doesn't feel good is I still need to get my high school transcripts, apparently, sent to these colleges. I graduated in 1998, so this should be fun.
  • I just got my notice about my apartment lease which is going to be a thorn in my side. I really only need, if all goes well, 3 months more there. Issue is 6 months is the minimum lease unless I want to go month-to-month. Doing the latter will increase my rent $135 -_-
  • I still have to figure out, based on where I go, how I'm going to work and live. Rent is twice as high in Redmond, WA (Digipen) than Tempe, AZ (UAT). That is a big consideration when as I plan to work part time/go to school full time.
  • I still have this foreboding fear in all of this. It's stupid but getting out of your comfort zone after spending your life in one (feels like it anyways). But it is a GREAT feeling to finally be doing this, for all the troubles.
So yeah, that is what has been taking up so much of my time recently that has kept me away from blogging much. I might try to schedule some posts, a lot has been happening in Egypt/Libya to chat about. Oh and I love the fact that a computer won at Jeopardy!

[Edit] Funny, now that I look at it I should have known things were falling into place. See here

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