Friday, September 12, 2008, Rickroll or not?

So, after reading on Game Politics that the whole antispore site was a giant Rickroll I'm left wondering if the site was hacked or not. As it stands:

  • The content that was a rickroll was there but now has been removed
  • The site itself was registered via 'Domains by Proxy', a service that hides the registrar info from sites. Via proxy the site is on GoDaddy.
  • There was a claim at the end of rickrolling of Poe's law, which I've never heard of up until this point. Have to agree with the statement.
  • There are both persons in the world that are crazy enough to act like the mother who (supposedly) runs Antispore, and just as many who are really good at acting like it for parody (see Poe's law above).
If it was hacked, fine. If I've been punked, equally fine. I didn't put too much thought in it when I did post.

[Edit] The Rickroll went back up, I swear it wasn't in the top post ealier. I'm calling this one a greatly played hoax.

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