Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So this post will remain until I use at least one of the 'labels' *cough*tags*cough* below, mostly as these will be the main tags I use (all others will be secondary)

Guess I could fill this post up with what they mean:

  • Technology: things that make the IT world go around
  • Games: I play way too many, and have opinions on them
  • Music: Releases, controversies, karaoke
  • Politics: Decline To State liberal and how I see htings
  • Life: Things happening to me, where I'll be, things I'll do, shit like that.
  • News: General news items, or things that don't fit the next catagory (or the above ones)
  • Oddball: Oddball his hosted by our good friend Sum Ting Wong. Things in the news, tech, life et. al. that are not quite what you would think they would be.
  • Parting Shots: Kinda my 'followup' tag... I mean label. Used when I do a post, well, following up on a topic I've previously posted about.

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