So anyways, I'm reading through my RSS feeds and I land on this article about a 'dead' fox causing an SUV wreck. It took me a couple of reads to really make my mind up on this article, emotions and all.
SUV hits fox and stops. -1 for SUV, but at least he stopped. Driver (named Fox, coincidentally) takes fox thinking it dead, +1 for SUV. Fox isn't dead +1 fox. And causes driver to crash. - 1 fox. So at this point I'm thinking dead even, karmic balance at work.
Then I reread the article. The guy wanted the tail? WTF? He doesn't deserve it! So -1 SUV, and since there can be no negative score at the end, fox is instead awarded 1 point. It did die in the end, maybe from crash maybe from being hit. But that bastard did not deserve the tail. Or any tail as far as I'm concerned ~_^
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