<<Cross posting from LiveJournal>>
Ok so this is going to be a weird ass post. I was half asleep last night when this happened but still awake enough to remember it. Sometimes when I'm lying in bed I tend to start day dreaming (a misnomer, as it is usually night) about things. Some things that come up are profound enough to jump me out of bed to write them down. I think it has to do with a loose mental state or something.
So anyways I'm sitting in front of a chessboard with with someone (Editing Note: I'd explain more, but both the chessboard and person are insignificant to this post so I omitting them) trying in futility to get them to understand my way of thinking. So I think to myself "what is chaos" and my answer is "I don't know, because there is no true chaos in this world"
Waitafuckingminute, what? Yes, no true chaos. Lets say I pick up a single grain of sand and drop it on to the board. Fine, we won't know truly where it will land or how it might roll afterwords. However, this is not a chaotic as it may seem. The laws of physics dictate exactly where it will fall. Mind you the variables of speed, friction from air, momentum, and the transfer of energy to the air and board are themselves so complex as to take a single computer model years to calculate. However, you can eventually calculate it. And there in lies my definition of true chaos.
In a truly chaotic state the grain of sand would so much fall down and hit the board. The minute you let it go... on moment it is there, the next in Egypt, next floating somewhere outside Alpha Centauri (yes I've been playing that game again), and so on. The real question become 'will the sand ever reach the board?' A better one is 'how can this universe exist with matter moving all over the place?'
It can't exist. We live in a world of ordered chaos. We are patterns in chaos, you and I. We exist because there are exactly 4 forces holding all the shit together. It's an amazing thing when you really understand the scope of it. ^_^ (and yes I'm excluding string theory here for the purpose of a cohesive argument)
Ok so enough of that. I'm probably going to make everyone's brain bleed if I continue ^_^
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