Saturday, January 8, 2011

When politics goes violent: The Shooting of Rep Giffords

Oh lord and lady: My heart goes out to AZ Rep Gabrielle Giffords and the others (at least 12 reported right now) whom were shot at today at an event in Tuscon, AZ. So far reports are that Giffords is out of surgery, fixing up the gunshot to her head. She's in critical condition. 6 others, including a federal judge, are dead.

Police have identified the shooter as Jared Lee Loughner, a quote "Fringe Character" in his 20s. Below is a video reported to have been made by him on youtube. Checking the user's channel I'm inclined to believe this analysis.

I don't know what to make of this, with all the illogical logical fallacies (Ad Hominem doesn't mean we can't label someone who doesn't consider themselves a terrorist as such. The attack isn't indirect, as Ad Hominem would need).

Now, this doesn't prove this was a politically motivated shooting. But please consider the following points which help lean and argument that the far right, Tea Partiers included, are not exactly thinking straight when they say we should start armed revolts to take back our country.

Disturbingly out of the gate would be the famous Sarah Palin's Crosshairs Ad, seen below:

Notice someones name there? Yep, Gabrielle Giffords is right there. More to the point, prior to this (or after, my sources are a bit fuzzy on timing here) this was posted to Palin's Twitter feed:

Way to be subtle there Sarah. Way to go. The Crosshairs Ad has been removed from the SarahPAC website as of today. Perhaps they are realizing there might be some fallout from this?

Now continuing this was the first act of violence directed to Giffords either, as can be seen in the video below from this past March, after the Healthcare Reform Act was voted upon:

I think what scares me the most is she also mentioned the crosshairs map. *shudder*

All in all there's going to be a lot of hell if this guy is even remotely affiliated with the Tea Party or any party for that matter. Lots of backpedaling and retreating of their own will happen (this would be true if he ends up being a registered Dem, Repub, or even Green for that matter. Complete Third Rail/Hot Potato wrapped up in one package).

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