This post isn't going to amount to much. I'm personally trying to just put thoughts down on this subject.
So 7:15 pm Sunday night, 5/1/11, I'm on my laptop sitting on my couch, working on my English paper due the next day. I have twitter open, as oft I do, when I see a retweet saying the President is going to make a speech in 15 minutes.
Needless to say, 2 things happened after that: We, as a world practically, watched the clock tick as it took 2 hours nearly before Obama came on the screen (I watched online). The other was, within those 15 minutes it was to take to start Obama's speech, we knew what it was about.
Osama Bin Laden is dead. The chatter spread through Twitter like a California Wildfire (which, living in this state, I know WAY too much about).
Even now, I'm still in a bewildered state of "Wait, we finally got the fucker? Really?"
There's so many questions of how and what's next... I don't really have an idea for a full post, but being silent isn't my MO in this case ~_^
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