So, in case you live under a rock or something you've heard of Casey Anthony. She was on trial, until 3 hours ago, for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, last seen a little over 3 years ago. I don't want to go into specifics just yet but suffice to say most of us believe she is guilty of the crime.
Except for 12 people. Those 12 just gave her a not guilty verdict, ending a media circus that has been playing out. A media circus not unlike the OJ Simpson trial in 1995. So much unlike that I've been reading comments on many forums for many weeks saying this is exactly like that trial.
Hold on there, bucko, we need to go over some things here first. Off the bat, this is how a trial should look:
That is to say, the verdict is the sum of the Prosecution and Defense arguments. Those two in turn are upheld by the evidence presented in the case. You'll notice that evidence, being the base of this pyramid, is the most important. WITHOUT EVIDENCE YOU HAVE NO CASE! Sorry, I need to get that out now as most of the posts calling Casey's verdict a mockery/perversion of justice are a bit off.
So, right, we were talking about the OJ trial and this one. Both ended like this:
The verdict was both a Comedy, in that it was a joke, and a Tragedy, in that justice was not properly served in our eyes. However, again, neither of these trials were a mockery of our justice system. They were more an exemplification of how the system works when you mock the evidence of the case. Case in point (pardon the pun) we have the OJ Simpson Trial, in pyramid form:
What do we have here? We have evidence made of swiss cheese (bad graphic, I know, but best I could come up with w/o my home computer. GIMP < Photoshop). How did rock solid evidence get this way? A superhuman defense team drilled those holes in, that's how. A dumb as fuck prosecution, who couldn't link the DNA evidence properly, didn't help. DNA might not be the end all, but the idea that ALL DNA evidence needed to be tossed out due to the possibility of tainting was bullshit. They could have gone back, taken clean samples, and nailed the fuckers head to a wall.
And, like that, I give you an example of a problem with this case and the next: When we talk about murder, we tend to get very emotional. Laws are not made on emotion, and rightfully so. It didn't matter that there was no bloody knife, no witnesses, we knew in our hearts (emotionally) that OJ did it. We were comforted in the fact that DNA, which WAS found, was OJ's and could convict him. Ultimately, it didn't and we were left holding the bag.
So too, in a way, with Casey Anthony. We had an emotional attachment to the idea that she was guilty. She went out to party, get a tattoo, and do other 'normal' things while her daughter was missing. So we, society, never saw her as innocent and probably never will. Calling this a "New OJ Simpson Trial" is a bit off thought. Let me give you my last picture here, one of Casey's "Pyramid-O-Justice™":
You should be noticing some things. First off, yes we have a Comedy/Tragedy verdict. Below this we get to the meat of my argument. While the OJ Trial™ had DNA evidence, the Casey Anthony Trial™ had jack shit. You see it kinda materializing but not really. There was a single strand of hair found on the duct tape near her daughters body that belonged to no one; Not one person, Casey or otherwise, matched that piece of hair. The prosecution did not seek to find other DNA evidence and in the end came with empty pockets, while the defense did their job (shoulder shrug is for "What case against her?"). There was even less evidence, more incompetence from the prosecution, than the OJ Trial. There's no comparison: This one is worse.
This is not the OJ trial people, this was bullshit from the start. This isn't a perversion of justice, this is how the system is supposed to work. This is a travesty, for sure, because we could care less about the legal system: This woman will never be the same because the record of this will live on forever. She, no matter whom she speaks with, will have to live up to this trail. She will never have a decent job, because all background checks will show this case (she was found guilty of lying to offices and providing false information). Her record will never been clean, and she will bitch whine and moan and complain until her death that this case cheated her out of a nice life.
And sadly, for all my ranting, my thoughts are this: We, as a society, know you probably helped in your daughters death. You won't have a good life after this? So be it.
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