Monday, December 29, 2008

Steam Scam Spore Suckers?

So Steam is doing a holiday sale, and with the removal of ScecuRom from their version of Spore I've decided to end my 6 year embargo on the company and pick up Spore and the Cute/Creepy addon. So I start to pull out my wallet and I notice something strange on this page. I've copied this below for posterity:

Individual price $55.48
Package price $69.98
limited time discount -$7.00
Cost to you $62.98

Yes... if you act now and buy the pack, you get a whopping $7 off the price. Or you can go the costly route and buy each separately, you too can dish out $55.... and save twice as much? I'm wondering, really, if someone at Valve didn't cook up this one hoping no one would notice.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Things left in the dust of the election: Brandon Crip

So, as the US Presidential Election wore on other news happened. Sadly, because of my own fixation about Obama's then impending victory I kind of neglected to write about some of the other news events that caught my eye. So with my world winding down for the holidays I troweled through my notes for stories.  So with that said, here we go.

Interesting and sad story is the one of Brandon Crisp. On the night of October 13 and argument between his parents over playing COD4: Modern Warfare in excess prompted the young 15-year-old to pack a backpack and take to the road on his bike. The next day the parents filed a police report when their son did not return overnight. While the police picked up their search, the media picked up the story. Anyone want to guess the cause the media pegged onto the reason Brandon ran away? Video games.

Sadly I wish there was an interview/counseling for Brandon to find out what his real reasons were, big or small. His body was found, lifeless, on November 5th by a pair of hunters, in an area that was just outside the original search area. From the autopsy it was determined he'd fallen out of a tree. 

Now, for its worth I'm going to fork my argument here. After the fact the family decided to make a charitable foundation in his name, funneling its funds into Canadian Tire's Jump Start, which provides funds for poor children to take up sports. Sports? Well.. hmmm... bravo then. I get it. It honest would have been a better activity than the video games. And for that, I give heartfelt condolences for your loss... to a point.

See, I'm reading something else here, and it stinks. Contrary to what the media really wants the parents of today to think, video games are not an addicting substance. No more addicting than a father pushing his son, living vicariously through his actions that the father himself could not accomplish. In the end, it is a symptom of something else going on. And this case, we may fully never know. Did he having something else going on his life? To put it bluntly, yes. Yes he did and it saddens me that no one digged a little deeper to find it.

And for the media itself during all of this? You could hear the cries of "wont someone think of the children" from fucking orbit.  It has become the catchall for the problems of societies youth. Is our children playing to much? Honestly? No, they aren't. What they do have is a system of support that labels each and every thing a potential problem, shoves pills down their throat if they are a small bit out of line with the norm, and has little to nothing in the understanding department of what we are exactly putting today's youth through.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In Recession... for a year?

So... it takes us over a year to figure out that we've been having a shrinking economy. $4/gal. gas, high unemployment, and its taken 12 fucking months to figure out exactly when the sucking started. Way to be on the ball... or were you expecting another peak?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To be thankful

So after getting a rather big scare with my mother over the weekend, I'm rather glad to have some slow normalcy at work. So, for that, I give my list of thanks this season.

  • Falling gas prices
  • Rain
  • Democratic Administration
  • slow day at work
  • my mother being home
  • Games (see: slow work day)
  • Working 6 hours but getting paid for 8
So I wonder, what are you all thankful for?

My take on the RIAA and DRM-Free Music

So on other forums a person asked "Why is the music industry STILL taking its sweet time about this [moving away from DRM laden music]?"

I present to you below my full answer, which also includes my own view on the background to the current stance the RIAA (and MPAA for that matter, whom I affectionately refer to the Music and Film Industry Association of America, or the MAFIAA) takes to the digital medium.

I consider the old experiment of putting a frog in boiling water vs cold then slowing boiling them to death. The idea is the frog gets use to latter and won't jump out even when it's near death.

The RIAA, on the other hand, reacted like the former when presented with Napster. It existed, almost literally, under their noses. They had no "warming up" period to the idea of digitally available music. Because of the initial knee-jerk reaction they whole of the association is still reeling from the notion that anyone could rip them off in a few clicks. The slowness is due to the hard coding of the idea, in executive heads, that the control of the physical media the music is listened to on is paramount. Given that you can rip tracks from a CD or convert files from one format to another and from one device to another, this isn't possible. Draconian is my usual word for mentality because of this. They missed the boat for the digital age and are slowly dying at an industry because of it. A very slow death, but a death nonetheless.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

You lose some, you win some: Ted Stevens defeated in U.S. Senate re-election

So in saving face by keeping Lieberman (I keep hearing this "Team of Rivals" shtick and bit my lip not wanting to scream. More on that in another post) they Dem do have something on thier side that keeps me for completly hating them. Or rather, they don't have Ted "Serires of Tubes" Stevens to bother with since he has officially lost his Senate bid to rival democrat Mark Begich. And by lost I mean was eeked out by 3700 or so votes. 

So not only does Stevens have to face the 7 felony counts he's been convicted of, he now goes out on a sour note as having lost a seat he's held since 1968 (he is the longest GOP, and 4th longest of any party in the Senate) and be up for possible jail time. Some people *sigh* no breaks for them :P

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

F-u-u-u-u-u-u.... Lieberman keeps chairmanship

Oh for the love of all that is good and holy... why? Why Dems? Why do you turn around after giving possibly the greatest political victory I will ever see turn around and side with this... asshole?

We hand enough sense to let Benedict Arnold go during the revolutionary war we had, 232 years go. Have we learned shit since then guys?

When you have a disloyal member of your group, that member is the first to go. I know I know, Magic 60 'n all. But for the love, the man campaigned against your party's nominee after he said he wanted a democrat in the white house. Gimmie a fucking break. Give you a break from this guy, I don't care how he votes. You know those RINOs (Republican in name only) the GOP hates? This guys a WISC (Wolf in Sheep's Clothing) and will do you no good to continuing your relationship with him.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Police spend £35,000, looks like old logo

So I decided (subconsciously, it seems) to take a minor vacation after the election. With that said, lets move on.

How can you not sue (yes I speak as a Yankee in this case, the story being from the mother country) the consulting firm that hands you a new logo you paid $52K (£35) for and its effectively the SAME as the old logo? The crown's color is the only change that I can find.

Actually, that might be too good for this case. Hung by genitalia is more in order ^_^

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm tingling....

It may be a projection... but reports are in that McCain has conceded. (edit: watching McCain conceding speech now)

And it's not Negro Modelo doing this, though I've had a few in celebration. This is, when I do have children (ha, someday ~_^) that I will be able to tell my children.

  • I saw the fall of the Soviet Union
  • I saw the fall of the Berlin Wall
  • I truly saw the birth of the Internet, something that by the time I have children will be ubiquitous
  • I... not saw... I helped elect our first black president. 
I helped elect him. I voted. If you compain, show me your sticker. I plan on laminating mine. Someone things I don't have a right to bitch, I'll show them my motherfucking 'right-to-bitch' card.

With Bated breath

Listening to a gentlemen named Bishop Jakes on MSNBC. Here's a rough quote

"Hope springs eternal"

It was right for Shawshank, its right for now!
I imagine we'll be having a lot of these today. I haven't gotten to the polls in my area yet. I'll be off at 4 to do so. May the Force be with Obama, always.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Heavy Hearts for 'Toots': Obama's Grandmother passes away

I really don't know what to say. My condolences to him and the rest of his family. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm just geeky enough to laugh

This is what I get for being a chem major out of highschool: Full on ROFL ^_^

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Closer to the bone

Sweeter is the meat
Last slice of Virginia Ham
Is the best that you can eat

Sorry, title got Louie Prima on the brain.


Stick a fork in him, he's toast


Concise, cutting, I don't know how many other synonyms I can punch in to describe this.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gotta Love the Internets


Pres Debate 3: Joe The Plumber

Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe
Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe
Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe
Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe
Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lack of updates

Sorry about that. Been busy with work/life that I haven't had the energy. 

So a quick check: Are we socialists yet? $700b says we're on our way. My father (65-year-old) made the comment "you're young, you can see this through the end and you'll be fine. Don't worry."

My response? "Fine I'll see the end of it. But I still worry as to exactly what will be there when it's all said and done."

And FWIW: I will be watching the debates again. Last one was political positioning for the most part. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dow Jones Industrial Deathwatch

This is just the past 10 days. *headdesk*

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We can has recession now?

Are we finally able to admit it now? And by we, I mean economists, since I'm pretty fucking sure most of America nay the world has realized this for the past 3 months now. BOHICA, as the saying goes, because its going to get worse before we recover. Dow Jones under 9k (~20% drop this week) and now a global effort to keep credit out there for companies to use.

Folks, I've tried keeping my head up about all of this but the only way I can see anyone keeping money in the current economical state is buying stock in KY and barbed dildo manufacturers.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fox 1, SUV 0

I have a soft spot for foxes. They really are beautiful creatures. Especially Red and Arctic ones (but mostly the reds). Call them my Totems in a pagan sense.

So anyways, I'm reading through my RSS feeds and I land on this article about a 'dead' fox causing an SUV wreck. It took me a couple of reads to really make my mind up on this article, emotions and all.

SUV hits fox and stops. -1 for SUV, but at least he stopped. Driver (named Fox, coincidentally) takes fox thinking it dead, +1 for SUV. Fox isn't dead +1 fox. And causes driver to crash. - 1 fox. So at this point I'm thinking dead even, karmic balance at work.

Then I reread the article. The guy wanted the tail? WTF? He doesn't deserve it! So -1 SUV, and since there can be no negative score at the end, fox is instead awarded 1 point. It did die in the end, maybe from crash maybe from being hit. But that bastard did not deserve the tail. Or any tail as far as I'm concerned ~_^

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Orenthal James Simpson...

... is about to be renamed 'Bubba's Girlfriend'. Karma's a bitch, ain't it ^_^ 

Friday, October 3, 2008

Why am I finding this cute... why???

Follow it here

Craigslist used for decoy in robbery

This HAS to be the most amazing usage of Craigslist I have ever heard of. 

So a robber sent a job opening request for a roadside work project in Monroe, WA for $28.50/hr (hell I would have taken something like this up for that kind of money). Those that inquired were asked to show up at a Band of America, wearing "yellow vest, safety goggles, a respirator mask… and, if possible, a blue shirt." He manages to get 12 or so to sign up for this.

Robber shows up in same attire, pepper-sprays the armored car driver, and nabs a sack of cash. As if that wasn't enough hilarity, the man has escaped... by riding down a nearby creak in a fucking inner tube that had been placed at the ready.

I know I shouldn't condone robbery but... bravo motherfucker, bravo. Can I have some of whatever you smoked when you came up with this? Thanks ^_^

Veep Debates: Another tie but in a good way

Sorry for the lack of updates this week: Mild illness + work stress can really kill your off time.

So anyways I did sit down and watch the debates yesterday. And, I'm calling this one a tie as well (despite some CNN survey I can't even find). But this time, it was a good tie.

Both Palin and Biden did a fair amount of work prior to the debate and it shows:
  • The normally long-winded answers Biden gives were cut to short, to the point replies. He also kept his focus.
  • Pailin was less a punching bag than I had expected her to be. She had quick retorts, threw barbs... really wasn't expecting half her answers.
However, they still had thier downfalls:
  • Biden attacked McCain very well, but left himself open to Palin. All offense, no defence. The cliche of "good offence" would apply if this offence was good enough to keep Pailin, it wasn't because...
  • Palin kept switching the fucking subject every question to either energy, Alaska, Biden's previous record, or some combo of the three. This really started getting annoying half way through or so as I was tired of having to switch my mind over to 'ignore' when she mentioned these things.
So, all in all a good fight. Good fight + tie == good thing. Wimpy fight + tie == I better not have paid to see this drek.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Buy out AOL dialup? A sinking ship?

Explain to me if this actually makes some sense: Would you buy a sinking boat from someone because you collect/user these kinds of boats yourself? From what I can guess that's Liberty Media's plan here. Buy AOL dialup from Time Warner,  and reduce it down to just that: Dialup. I would think this great if it wasn't my feeling that the only reason dialup still exists is because there are persons out there sitting on their hands, delaying the penetration of broadband. This shit should have been up and running at the turn of last century (how weird it is to be able to make this statement, time wise). Now, nearing a decade in, we still of people in Podunk, PA and Toadlick, AR that have little to no access to even rudimentary DSL. Sad when you think about it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

After the Debates, did it really matter?

I'm going to go out on a small limb here about the first debate on Friday: It didn't make a dent on either candidate. No, I did listen the the entire debate. Even set aside some time (before thinking about Friday Night Karaoke ^_^) to make sure I watched it.

For all the barbs, I didn't see a clear winner. Not Obama, not McCain... NO ONE. I felt Obama could have traded more barbs, and not lie down on some.

Obama to raise taxes, for example? Bullshit, he's lapsing Bush's tax cuts! How's that distortion field working for ya John?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Current Credit Crisis Explained

I was going to use this piece from Investopedia/Forbes as a basis for a post explaining the current credit crisis. Then I ran into this, the explanation in stick figures (NSFW verbiage at the end) . It does it soooooooooooo much better than I can ever do.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Demand The Debate!

Yesterday McSame called to have the debates postponed. This can only turn out one way: If they are postponed one or more will be canceled. This will not be good, for either candidate.

Please sign this petition to send a message to them both (McCain more than Obama) to keep them focused and on task. Thank you.

Frail old man runs from African American asking for change

Ok, so I stole the title from the same on, but I laughed too much at the title. For those trying to get it I'll say it a bit plainer: McCain is trying to suspend his campaign to help get the $700b bailout out the door. He wants to postpone (and likely then cancel) the first presidential debate, coming up tomorrow.

Now, that's not likely to happen (Debate council said no), but I find it a little funny that Obama, it seems, actually asked McCain back to DC to vote on this. He didn't' ask him to suspend the campaign, or for that matter snub a Letterman appearance. All he asked was to come back for a little bit of legislative duty.

My question: Just what in the holy fucking hell is John thinking? Has this asshole ever heard of multitasking? Still waiting for more polls, but 538's early ones are showing I'm not alone here. He's not doing us a service by trying to dodge other responsibilities while trying to look like he gives a shit.

Job Posting: WEBMASTER

Caps lock, cruise control for cool. Found this posting on Craigslist:



Now here's what I wonder: Why did they even bother going normal in the last sentence? Reverse psychology or something? Also, spellcheck much?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I think I'm going to be sick

Warning, if you get easily sick to your stomach, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK

I especially like all the Whataburger cups and cigarette butts. For bonus points, find the Fabreeze (hint: Ironing Board).

Monday, September 22, 2008


Yeah I'm a sucker for deal-a-day sites.

Woot is going on a Woot-Off. Who knows what deal there will be!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wanted: Decoy

Uhhh... the fuck?

Possibly the weirdest Craigslist listing I've ever seen:

Looking for Male Model to provide decoy for a PI case.
Must be between 5-10 to 6-2 tall. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark complexion
Must be between the ages of 35 to 45.
Must have friendly attitude and be talkative.

Ok... I've seen everything now XD

We now own AIG

You... me... any American that pays taxes (there are some of you freaks out there that think you shouldn't. You guys need to lay off the ganja). WE NOW OWN THE MAJORITY OF THE COMPANY

We're bailing out things left and right. Soon, we won't have the money to do so. Actually, I'm pretty sure 'revolving credit' means we don't.

You know what this reminds me of? The beginning of the Great Depression, when the banks started trying to stem off a sell out buy buying (loudly, I might add) shares of companies at higher than the asking rate. They did it to instill trust in stockholders, under the 'If we think everything is good then it must be' doctrine. 

I heard McCain last night saying that the fundamentals of the us economy were sound. Herbert Hoover anyone? Head in sand anyone else?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Train crash avoidance

So I'm getting my hair cut at the barbers yesterday and discussion turned to the recent tragedy of a LA commuter train ramming into a freight. Right now the investigation is focusing on the MetroLink conductor that may or may not have been texting on his phone at the time.

But I'm not really concerning myself with this. Something else tickled my brain. As I and the barbers started talking the question of how the two trains didn't realize the others location came up. "There must be some GPS in there, right?" "I think so, don't you?" "Yeah, I'd thinks so." That was the gist of the talk.

Come to find out, rooting around, that there actually is one on the table, already tested in a few locations, that could be rolled out in 5 years. Moreover, the system in question would also have a last ditch kill switch which would have stopped the tragedy now faced.

I'm not for more rules. I know they're talking about banning cell phones from train operators. That I can live with. But why on fucking earth will you sit on your hands and not get something like a simple GPS installed in the trains? Cost? Please tell me the Fight Club's little adage of "A times B times C equals X" applies all the way to the point you have your head in the sand AND up your ass.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Metallica -- Death Magnetic

Ok since the album has come out I feel ok in doing a mini review. I'll say I... acquired... the album via other means a week before release.

And you know what, I'm buying it right now on iTunes. The last good album they put out, IMHO, was the black album. I have a coworker (dealer of music, in this case) that felt the black album was when they were already in decline. Either way, we're both buying the album.

It's a return to what they are great at: Music that doesn't try to do anything else but rock. Load/Reload/Garage Inc are blemishes. St. Anger was a good start, but this is the full return. 

I'd sworn off buying their albums after the whole Napster hypocrisy (geeze, you guys like tape trading but not file sharing? What a crock of shit).

Go buy album now!

[Edit] Oh I had bought S&M, but since that's such and odd piece (as is Binge & Purge) I didn't include it initially.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Go To

Or at least go once the site is back up from being crashed. They have a deal right now that if you buy a sticker, they are throwing in a 500gb Sata 3.0gb drive for free. Bought my sticker for $1.25. Yes, buck and a quarter., Rickroll or not?

So, after reading on Game Politics that the whole antispore site was a giant Rickroll I'm left wondering if the site was hacked or not. As it stands:

  • The content that was a rickroll was there but now has been removed
  • The site itself was registered via 'Domains by Proxy', a service that hides the registrar info from sites. Via proxy the site is on GoDaddy.
  • There was a claim at the end of rickrolling of Poe's law, which I've never heard of up until this point. Have to agree with the statement.
  • There are both persons in the world that are crazy enough to act like the mother who (supposedly) runs Antispore, and just as many who are really good at acting like it for parody (see Poe's law above).
If it was hacked, fine. If I've been punked, equally fine. I didn't put too much thought in it when I did post.

[Edit] The Rickroll went back up, I swear it wasn't in the top post ealier. I'm calling this one a greatly played hoax.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh, and it gets better (Spore)

Normally I have an issues with Christians and Creationists. But now, not so much. Yeah, that be some Jesus-loving hate for a fucking video game right there.

Well, we're still here

So, the LHC hasn't killed us yet. We're not being sucked into a black hole. There are no head crabs, gelatinous blobs devouring everything, abnormally large breasted nymphomaniac aliens....

I've really got to stop watching hentai >_<

A funny thing happened at the computer store

So last night I ran over to MicroCenter needing to replace my flash drive that I use at work to run portable FireFox and Chrome (its 1GB and dying, now have an not dying 4GB for less than I paid 2 years ago for the 1GB).

 Well I get over to the section and one of the store workers was in talk to an older gentleman at the spot where all the flash drive are. It seems they had been talking for quite a while.

I don't know what drew me into the conversation, but it has been the oddest 20 mins of my life. The level of questions ranged from why I was choosing one company over another, size of drive, price... who I though would win out (no one, really). Just... rather inquisitive for a guy that honestly looked like the 'Buy for a Grandson/daughter' segment of the populous.

So, like I said, 20 mins go by and this guy finally lets out why he has all these questions: Apparently he's an inventor and was basically getting market research from us. Ya know, from person he thinks may buy his product.

He didn't really let on what his product was (I don't blame him really), but I think he did give a hint via a hypothetical question: If you some how had the ability to plug a flash drive into a HDTV and have it play movie/music/pictures (the last one he went into detail oddly with the story of having family that hadn't seen them yet yadd yadd yadd show them when you come over yadda yadda yadda), would you buy into it and use it? I think it was a hint, anyways. I could be done now with a Media Center PC, along with a lot more. But I guess for the Soccer Mom segment it would be nice.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So this post will remain until I use at least one of the 'labels' *cough*tags*cough* below, mostly as these will be the main tags I use (all others will be secondary)

Guess I could fill this post up with what they mean:

  • Technology: things that make the IT world go around
  • Games: I play way too many, and have opinions on them
  • Music: Releases, controversies, karaoke
  • Politics: Decline To State liberal and how I see htings
  • Life: Things happening to me, where I'll be, things I'll do, shit like that.
  • News: General news items, or things that don't fit the next catagory (or the above ones)
  • Oddball: Oddball his hosted by our good friend Sum Ting Wong. Things in the news, tech, life et. al. that are not quite what you would think they would be.
  • Parting Shots: Kinda my 'followup' tag... I mean label. Used when I do a post, well, following up on a topic I've previously posted about.

Spore DRM: How to buzzkill you're own product

So... I have a more or less hate/hate relationship with Spore right now.  I hate EA... have for year that I will enumerate later. So lets say off the bat that I know that I am biased.

But that doesn't even cover it. There are 3 sad letters that kill any WANT for this game: DRM. Digital Rights Management. And not just an odd bit of it like having to have the disk in the drive to play.

You get 3 installs... total. If you install and then uninstall, you still have burnt through one install. Not even iTunes is that fucked up. If 'deauthorize' your computer with iTunes, you get one of your 5 installs back. You can even (search it up) get iTunes to blast all authorized computers to start out fresh. Of course you can only use that once every 12 months. But you still get them back without being treated like a criminal.

From an Internet posting concerning Mass Effect, which has a similar scheme, if you go over with EA be prepared to be on the phone for a loooooong time. That and you have to send in a proof of purchase. Something that I don't even keep. Receipts and barcodes. How many of you diligently would keep them for a few years? I'm going to guess few. And you all have OCD :P

But seriously, I reformat my drive like twice a year to keep it fresh. That would mean I'd have a year and a half of gaming before begging. That still seems too short.

Oh, one last parting shot: This DRM was meant to keep the game from being pirated. As of 2 days before the game was to release a DRM-less version was already on The (Pirate) Bay. I can't help but laugh.


Ok so what are my ultimate goal with this blog?

Dunno, really. I want to get in the habit of writing more. So I'm going to kinda force myself to reread things and post my thoughts on them. Kinda grab items from the net, link here with my thoughts. That's what 90% of the blogs I do read end up doing anyways.

So I guess I'll start making some categories from what I read anyways, and go from there.

Sidenote: I spoke too soon about Deepest Sender. Does not like blogger. Loves LiveJournal, not Blogger. Crap...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Out of the gate

So what exactly am I doing here? Getting my mind out of my skull, sans drugs ^_^

28 living in Orange County, CA. Live alone, INFP if you know what that means. Introvert with a IT Helpdesk job (Introvert in customer service??? How the hell did that happen again? ^_^)

So why am I going out on a limb with a blog? Well, I really ain't.
  • I've had a Livejournal since 2003. But that has been a little more private than this (in fact, I dare you to find it :P). 
  • I have had a Myspace since only June. But blogging on this is like getting all 4 wisdom teeth out at once (which, from personally having that done 8 years ago, I can tell you hurts like hell). 
So I come here, looking for a better place where I can write out... well, whatever hits my brain. For those on FireFox, I suggest getting the Deepest Sender Addon since you can place it as a button for the sidebar. Great for keeping work pages open while posting (which I find I am increasingly doing, sadly)