Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Orange County Fair 2011: Part IV: Rides

So as not to kill everyone's browser I'm splitting these up into parts. I'll link each part here as I go along.
Part IV: Rides (You are here)

Ok so this is going to be the shortest of my 4 posts on the OC Fair. Mostly because, ashamed as I am to admit, and not very good for most of these rides. I'm too heavy and/or big to fit in most. The ones I can fit in squish me with speed. Oh, and there's this thing I have about heights (not nearly as bad as when I was a teen but it's still there). So I really don't go on rides.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Orange County Fair 2011: Part III: Entertainment

So as not to kill everyone's browser I'm splitting these up into parts. I'll link each part here as I go along.
Part I: The Entrance
Part III: Entertainment (You are here)
Part IV: Rides

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Orange County Fair 2011, Part II: FOOD

So as not to kill everyone's browser I'm splitting these up into parts. I'll link each part here as I go along.
Part II: FOOD (You are here)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Orange County Fair 2011, Part I

So as not to kill everyone's browser I'm splitting these up into parts. I'll link each part here as I go along.
Part I: The Entrance (You are here)

This past Friday I had the pleasure of attending the Orange County Fair. All day. No I'm not kidding I took the day off just so I could stand in line before it opened. The first hour is free, but that honestly only saves you $12. It isn't the cost savings insomuch as I just like the fair. This is my yearly pilgrimage, one I've held for the past 6 years. This, due to my move at the end of August, will be my last. At least for a while. We'll see. What follows is a photo essay of my journey.

Friday, July 8, 2011

17 years, One Square Mile

So, today I finally managed to snag an invite to the New Super Awesome Invite Only Beta Doohicky Google+. It's their answer to Facebook. (Sidenote, email me if you want an invite ~_^).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony Acquittal: Why this isn't OJ Simpson round 2

So, in case you live under a rock or something you've heard of Casey Anthony. She was on trial, until 3 hours ago, for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, last seen a little over 3 years ago. I don't want to go into specifics just yet but suffice to say most of us believe she is guilty of the crime.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Listening and Small Groups

Right now part of my time, and part of the reason why I've not blogged as much this month, is taken up by a night class I have. I'm taking a quick, 4 week, Summer course in Interpersonal communications. What is interesting in the class is watching the nearly 30 other faces while one person is doing a presentation. It goes back, oddly, to my thoughts on how introverts and extroverts deal with social information.

In a setting like this you can really tell who is more extroverted: They keep their gaze on the presenter. Introverts,  like me, tend to stare off in the distance or downward. We're listening and processing the info rather than sucking in the scene waiting for the next. And rather than listen attentively I end up writing this (or, transcribe my notes the next day ^_^).

It's also interesting to realize how some people hover between these two states. You'll see attention paid out, but then switch to processing. Back and forth they go, sometimes with more attention or more processing time. It goes to prove my idea about the MBTI being more percent, rather than absolute, based. I mentioned in my Healer post how I switch between Feeling and Thinking. Same idea here, but between extroversion and introversion. Something I would never accuse myself of wavering on (I AM an introvert, damn you). Also add in the fatigue of a 6 pm - 10 pm, Tuesday to Thursday class and you get some interesting reactions in the subject.

In closing, a sentence that came out of my notes but never found a place to fit in the above because it can stand on its own:
"When you are not accountable for what you are listening to, a truer self emerges."